The size of the penis for all men and women is an important indicator. The concern about the issue, it often creates psychological problems in their personal lives, and serves as the basis for the development of the complex.
What are the normal dimensions of the penis

In the practice of medicine has, for the sexologists is accepted to divide the size of your penis in one of four categories:
- female. In this case, the length of the member is not greater than 2 cm,
- is a small penis. In the excited state, the length does not exceed 9.5 cm,
- a normal member. The default size of the ear in the excited state exceeds that of 9.5 cm
- the "giant". He ranked among the members, which reach a length of 24 cm or more into an erect state.
The relationship between the size of the penis at rest and in the erection of the researchers have not been disclosed. Many times, this is a small organ of the oscillation, which is very impressive (and vice versa), is a member of almost does not change in volume and length.
The measurement of the penis is made to be in a state of rest, for when on the erection, and the maximum amount of traction. The reference point is the angle between the abdominal wall and to the base of the limb, the measurement is carried out up to the tip of the glans penis.
For the measurement, it is best to use the tool, so as to relieve it of the correct size to survive at a 90-degree angle between the abdominal wall and to the base of the penis.
For all the men dissatisfied with the size of your member, there are a number of ways to remedy the situation. But, before you decide on drastic measures of the preference for talking with a psychologist, an andrologist and a urologist who will be able to tell you in detail about all the pros and cons of the change.
Many times, after you achieve the result you want, and the man continues to be in an unhappy one. A new dimension does not add to the success of the sexy, up front, and don't give in to the special feeling. You should give up all bad habits, the time period of the therapy, and to maintain a healthy way of life, and to eliminate many of the products out of your diet. Thus, in the imaginary dignity of an impressive body is a myth, and you have a potential patient, you should seriously consider the possible risks and consequences.
The increase in the membership, occurring as a result of the use of the special hearing, and the procedure. Other methods that can contribute to the growth of the penis, but the major changes will not.

The units, which makes it possible to increase the size of the penis are related to the following:
- the vacuum pump of the proton,
- the extension (provide an external pull).
To get the result in the special provisions will usually require 4 to 6 months.
A radical new Way to penis enlargement is considered a a surgical procedure. At the time of surgery, it is possible to change the length, and the thickness of the board and, if necessary, to correct the way I speak, and to solve the problems of erectile dysfunction.
Typically, during a surgical procedure, it is possible to increase your penis 2 to 3 inches, which is a good indicator of the practice of surgery.
In addition to the application of the apparatus and of the operations, the increase in the length and thickness of the penis, they can be ointments, gels, or creams. These methods are good when a man does not want to be subjected to surgery, but the effectiveness of these tools is small, it is often the result of-reach not possible.
Ways to enlarge your penis
The main ways to change the size of your penis with regard to the use of special equipment, surgery, diet, as well as the people customs.
The use of the tools
An actual impact on the erectile tissues of the penis, they have a special quota, which are designed for penis enlargement, and pumping it with a vacuum.
The units-of-delivery-of-stress-impacts refers to the extension. The device is comprised of a support, in particular, of the clamping-ring the engine, and a piston rod, which regulates the supplied power.

The member will lock your device with the adjustment of the stud to pull it down. In this position, the penis should be no longer than 30 minutes. As a result of the impact of a unit of the erectile tissues stretch, and fill up in your blood during an erection, there is an increase in the size of the board.
For a more stable and meaningful as a result of the use of a penis extender, you will not be able to take at least three months of exercise on a daily basis. To achieve that, you can increase the length of 3 cm, and the thickness of the member is 1.5 cm.
The following is an efficient device to change the size of the penis vacuum pump. The operation of this device is based on the creation of a negative pressure inside the closed ball, which is put on the sexual organ. Is discharged to the atmosphere to provide a powerful flow of blood, and the length of the corpus cavernosum of the organ. It is in the position of catching with the aid of a ring in a couple of minutes, during which time there is a gradual increase in the body.
And, as in the case of the extension, to get the result, it may take several months or up to six months.

The device of the stretcher can be used to continuously and imperceptibly. Its action is based on the same principles as the work of a range extender, but the effectiveness of this device is below, while adding to it with the help of 1-2 cm is quite possible.
The application of the cock rings are used to set a state of the animated sexual in the body for up to 30 minutes. This action will give you the opportunity to a small stretch of the corpora cavernosa of the penis, but an increase in the length almost doesn't cut it. The main task of the unit for the normalization of erectile function in men of older age.
The use of each tool must be carefully, carefully read the instructions for use. Pain is the signal for the end of the physical impact on the body, as well as the possible injury of the skin integument and of the hair.
The general rules for the use of the devices for penis enlargement:
- pre-workout, and immediately after that he or she should carry out a safety procedure,
- on the surface, the hearing should be cleaned with antiseptic, is provided after each and every use
- excessively dry skin on the body, sex should be wet before working with a children's cream.
- with the defeat of the internal organs of the urinary system,
- cardiovascular disease
- the pathology of the liver, and the kidneys,in
- the deformity of the penis,
- to diabetes mellitus.
The use of heavy equipment, is able to blunt the sensitivity of penis to stop the process of normal, early and also be the root cause of the problems.
The increase of the penis is on the table, the transaction is not approved by the specialists, urologists, and especially when a man has to have a normal constitution, attempts to change the size. In this case, we recommend that you consult with a sex therapist, a therapist, and that you will be able to convince a person not to make any unwise steps.
The simple fact is that any surgical intervention does not go unnoticed in the body, and is such a sweetheart, and is the body responsible for errors in the operating system lead to severe consequences. It is especially difficult to maintain the normal functioning of the penis after penile prosthesis, and the use of the method of "Perovic".
Before you make a decision on the operation of such a man should carefully weigh the pros and cons of doing so. The doctors recommend to perform such a manipulation with the penis, only in the case of abnormal termination of the pathology and the rehabilitation of an injury to the body. In patients with normal dimensions, and that they want to, for whatever reason, to get the most amazing sex organ, one must abandon the idea of a surgical procedure, so as not to disrupt the working of the erectile function.
Generally, the penis enlargement pills they are applied to technical fix: the ligamentum, and lipofilling.

This method allows us to help patients with a micropenis, the quality of the production from the operations is at a high level, and, consequently, the complications and the side effects virtually is not fixed.
The essence of the method consists in the free part of the penis, which is the public. When the minimum size of the organ (up to 2 cm), and another option, such as crossing the suspension joints, it is not. As a result of the transaction, the length of the penis can increase by 1-2 cm in height.
To get the best results, intervention is necessary to supplement the use of a penis extender. With this device, you have to fight each day in the course of 3-4 months, which will allow you to add more than 2 or 3 inches over from the formation of the adhesive process in the tissues of the penis.
This operation gives the possibility to increase the thickness of the penis, with the introduction of the adipose tissue in the body.
The fat, it's the day of his retirement from the body of a man with a belly, and buttocks), and, after some cleaning up, ideal to evenly introduced into the hypodermis, with the help of a syringe.
It isn't heavy and doesn't have nearly the negative of the expressions. After the intervention, the thickness of the penis increases by an inch, but it is the result of a short-term, one-or two-years of operation, you will need to do it again.
The transplantation of the tissue to the muscle
This type of surgical procedure to boost the thickness from the penis is a complex and risky procedure.
To achieve the desired size, it is necessary to carry out a transplantation of the tissue, which is excised from the axilla the fascia or to the abdominal wall. Receiving the biological material, is inserted in the perimeter of body sex, by increasing the thickness of 3-4 cm. The complexity of the operation, it is used with care, to suture the blood vessels.
In a certain affidavit made prosthesis to the shaft of your penis. Taken by the method that is "old school", when, in order to increase the used of a special elastic material, or in the manner of "Perovic" and with the cartilage of the cloth.
The food
To increase the size of your penis with the optional resort to extreme measures. Enough of that can bring the power and to include in your diet foods that stimulate the growth of muscle tissue, due to the high content of useful trace elements and proteins.

In addition to affecting the growth of the penis, all the products are in the spotlight, contribute to the increase of the power consumption:
- In the flesh. To get a positive result, you should use the lean variety. A perfect fit: the flesh of the cow, the rabbit, the turkey. No, the protein contained in the meat, it's impossible to build muscle mass, but excess fat when you are cooking, you should get rid of it.
- The fruits of the sea. The use of fish and other seafood needed to maintain erectile function and the muscle building can take place. Sea and river fish, crustaceans, mollusks (particularly oysters) second), will allow you to obtain the male, and the body of the desired protein as well as zinc and selenium, which affects the gain, output power, and the formation of testosterone.
- Nuts. For the male body to the best to take care of the following nuts: almonds, walnuts, timber, and cashew nuts. Thanks to the arginine, that is the composition of each and every one of these products, there is a normalization of the blood supply of the pelvic organs, which allows it to better the saturation of the erectile tissues of the penis to the plasma.
- Fresh dairy products. The increase in the content of protein and calcium in the cheese, oil, milk, and yogurt, will not only allow you to increase your muscle mass, but it also gives you the opportunity to strengthen the bone tissue. Dairy products normalize the work of intestines, and to promote the exit of toxins from the body, but when you have to compose a diet, it is necessary to restrict the consumption of fat in the cooking oil.
- Fruit. The abundance of vitamins, fiber, and useful trace elements contained in fresh fruit, which is required to maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the growth of the penis. Preference should be given to: bananas, pears, apples, pineapple and all citrus fruit.
- The food crops. The men are expected, first of all, pay attention to the dishes of wheat.
- The cooking oil. For the salad, recommends the mayo and the sour cream in favor of vegetable oils. Flax seed oil contributes to the normalization of the work of the prostate, breast, and stimulate the production of testosterone, to the carving of the pumpkin, it improves the power. Also, you may want to use sesame seeds and oil of mustard.
Folk remedies

The increase in the adult male, the dignity of the pets in the house may, by applying to clean, ideal at the base of the herbal medications on the income. The most effective are based on the following:
- Rosemary. To prepare the broth you will need about 100 grams of dry weight, the plants, and 1000 ml of boiling water. Infused into the beverage during 4 hours, after which they will be using the course for up to 4 months.
- Garlic. Three of the large teeth you have to smash it and pour 500 ml of vodka, which is the ability to drink a medicinal, is placed in the dark and in a cool place for up to 10 days. Use of the dye in the periods of three months.
- To collect, to rub. Take a root of a ginseng, hawthorn, and ginkgo leaves, with the 50 grams. Pour the boiling water in a volume of 500 ml, and then send the diamond on a low heat for about 10 minutes. Obtained by extraction, it is recommended to rub the sex organ.
- The wormwood. The seeds of the plant in the amount of 100 grams and poured in 0.5 l of water and heated to boiling for 10 minutes. Which is obtained by extraction and is accepted before the meal, three times a day.
The use of the drugs is not going to happen quickly. Your penis will grow, but the effect is going to be like this after 5 or 6 months ago.
The benefits of herbs are related to the following factors:
- the availability of the plant material,
- security overdose, the drug plants, it is possible, but it rarely manifests itself),
- the effects in the long term.
The disadvantages of herbal medications include the following:
- before you get your result goes a lot of the time
- there is always the possibility to buy ready-made ingredients, and for the collection and preparation of plants, with their forces, and it takes time.
To solve the problem of the increase of the body, sexual performance, and increasing sexual activity it can be, in many ways, but if you use any method, you should refer with your physician, in order to prevent damage to the side effects and unwanted events.